Real-World Use Cases
Samples of real-world use cases that YADE has been implemented for, e.g. server-to-server file transfer or Pull Files from DMZ in Near Real Time, etc. Download the presentation: YADE Use-Cases
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Server-to-Server File Transfer
File transfer with YADE allows the use of different transfer protocols for data sources and targets within a singe operation.
File Transfer with Jump Host
Push Files to Internet via Jump Host
YADE provides a secure solution for file transfer from an Intranet to the Internet via a DMZ.
Pull Files from Internet via Jump Host
YADE allows secure transfer of files from the Internet to an Intranet via a DMZ.
Pull Files from DMZ in Near Real Time
JobScheduler allows monitoring of a DMZ for incoming files and the launching of YADE to transfer files in near real time to an Intranet.