Feature Development Service
Our products meet your requirements but one important feature is missing? Our Feature Development Service is the solution.
We have a proven record of delivering commissioned features for our products on time and within budget.
This service is provided as part of our After-sales Services for commercial license holders.
Standard Procedure for ordering new Features
The standard procedures described below cover the steps and procedures that are followed when a new product feature is requested by a customer. Download detailed information for feature development: Standard Procedures for Feature Development
Purchase Order and Services on Call
- The customer purchases a contingent of service days for feature development.
- The daily rate for such services is based on the current price list and is valid for three years.
Feature Specification Process
- The customer describes the requirements for the desired feature to the SOS. Usually the SOS Ticket System is used at this stage.
- The SOS checks the request and records the feature description in the Change Management System.
- The customer checks whether the description is complete and if the requirements have been properly understood.
- The SOS estimates the time required for the specification, development and testing of the feature and communicates this to the Purchaser via the Change Management System.
- The SOS and the customer mutually agree about which release the feature should be integrated into.
- The customer calls up the service for the development of the feature. The services will be charged against the contingent.
Feature Development and Delivery Process
- Development starts after the customer has called up the service. The SOS will record the defined steps in the Change Management System, allowing the customer to follow the progress throughout the development.
- Upon completion and delivery of the feature, the customer will give his acceptance of the feature within four weeks after delivery.