News Date and Time
Nov 05 2016 00:34
We are pleased to announce the release of JobScheduler and YADE 1.10.6
This maintenance release brings 21 fixes and 4 minor new features in JobScheduler and YADE:
- Support for Universal Agent
- Support for PowerShell Jobs
- JS-1660: Improve handling of output to PowerShell channel
- JS-1660: Improve handling of output to PowerShell channel
- Support for Installer
- SET-77: Update PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 9.4-1201-jdbc4.jar to postgresql-9.4.1209.jar
- JS-1654: An <add_order> command for a job chain node should work for the same job chain
- JITL-309: Resumption: SSH job should not raise an error when exporting environment variables in the remote script
- YADE-414: Connection to an FTPS server raises StackOverflowError
See the Release Notes for a detailed list of the features and bug-fixes.
Please also take note of our Change Management information.