Version 1.13.10

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Responds YADE transfers

Parameters in the POST body schema

Name Type Description Example Default
jobschedulerId required, string JobScheduler Master ID scheduler
transferIds optional; array of integers The ids of YADE transfers [4711]
compact optional, boolean Response has a compact version if this parameter is true false
dateFrom optional, string The value has multiple formats
  • a format for a date in ISO 8601 format where the time offset and milliseconds are optional, e.g.
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][Z (Z means +00)]
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][+01:00]
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][+0100]
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][+01]
  • a format for a time period in relative to the current time, e.g. 6h, 12h, 1d, 1w can specify in addition with a time offset 0 or digits followed by a letter are expected where the letter has to be:
    • s (seconds)
    • m (minutes)
    • h (hours)
    • d (days)
    • w (weeks)
    • M (months)
    • y (years)
  • a time offset is optional (e.g. 2d+02:00)
    • it can be also specify with the parameter timeZone
    • if timeZone undefined then UTC is used
  • the value 0 means the current time
  • Returns only collection items younger than this date.
dateTo optional, string The value has multiple formats like the dateFrom parameter
  • Return only collection items older than this date.
timeZone optional, string
  • If this parameter is set then it beats the time offset in dateFrom and dateTo
  • See here the list for available time zones.
operations optional, array Filtered all YADE history item with operations such as
  • COPY
  • MOVE
states optional, array Filtered all YADE transfer items with states such as
mandator optional; string Filtered all YADE history item with the mandator
sources optional, array Filtered response by source host and/or protocol [{
"host": "localhost",
"protocol": "SFTP"
targets optional, array Filtered response by target host and/or protocol [{
"host": "localhost"
hasIntervention optional, boolean Filters transfers which were intervened
isIntervention optional, boolean Filters transfers which are interventions
profiles optional; array Filters all transfers by a collection of specified configuration profiles. [
sourceFilesRegex optional, string Filtered response source files by a regular expression
targetFilesRegex optional, string Filtered response target files by a regular expression
sourceFiles optional, array Filtered response by source files. This parameter beats sourceFilesRegex [
targetFiles optional, array Filtered response by target files. This parameter beats targetFilesRegex [
limit optional, integer Restricts the number of responsed records, -1=unlimited 5000 10000