Version 1.13.10

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Save or Rename a calendar

Parameters in the POST body schema

Name Type Description Example Default
jobschedulerId required, string JobScheduler Master ID scheduler
calendar required, object Calendar object
  • If a calendar is new then the id field is undefined and a new calendar will be stored.
    • If the path field is equal to an already existing calendar then a corresponding error returns.
  • If an existing calendar is edited then the id from the ./calendar api must sent in the calendar object
    • If the path field was edited too the calendar will be moved to the new path
auditLog optional, object Object which contains comment, timeSpent and ticketLink. {
"comment":"It was not really necessary!",
comment optional, string Field in auditLog to comment this action, e.g. the reason.
timeSpent optional, string Field in auditLog to enter the time spent in minutes. 5
ticketLink optional, string Field in auditLog to enter a link to a corresponding ticket.