Version 1.13.10

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Task history from reporting (permanent)

Parameters in the POST body schema

Name Type Description Example Default
jobschedulerId optional, string JobScheduler Master ID scheduler
jobs optional, array Filtered response by a collection of jobs specified by its job path.
Other parameters such as folders, excludeJobs and regex are ignored if this parameter is defined.
excludeJobs optional, array Response contains all jobs except the jobs which are specified in this collection.
This parameter will be ignored if jobs parameter is set.
dateFrom optional, string The value has multiple formats
  • a format for a date in ISO 8601 format where the time offset and milliseconds are optional, e.g.
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][Z (Z means +00)]
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][+01:00]
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][+0100]
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][+01]
  • a format for a time period in relative to the current time, e.g. 6h, 12h, 1d, 1w can specify in addition with a time offset 0 or digits followed by a letter are expected where the letter has to be:
    • s (seconds)
    • m (minutes)
    • h (hours)
    • d (days)
    • w (weeks)
    • M (months)
    • y (years)
  • a time offset is optional (e.g. 2d+02:00)
    • it can be also specify with the parameter timeZone
    • if timeZone undefined then UTC is used
  • the value 0 means the current time
  • Returns only collection items younger than this date.
dateTo optional, string The value has multiple formats like the dateFrom parameter
  • Return only collection items older than this date.
timeZone optional, string
  • If this parameter is set then it beats the time offset in dateFrom and dateTo
  • See here the list for available time zones.
regex optional, string Regular expression to filter the collection .*
folders optional, array collection of folder objects [{
"folder": "/sos",
"recursive": true
limit optional, integer Restricts the number of responsed records, -1=unlimited 5000 10000
historyStates optional, array
Only records with these states are responsed ["SUCCESS"]
taskIds optional; array[integer] The history ids of tasks
If "taskIds" is specified then all other optional parameters except jobschedulerId are ignored.
historyIds optional, array Filtered response by a collection of order's historyId and state.
It determines the current or last taskId.
If "historyIds" is specified then all other optional parameters except jobschedulerId and taskIds are ignored.
orders optional, array Filtered response by a collection of orders specified by its job chain path and an optional order id and state (name of the job chain node).
If "orderId" and "state" is undefined then all orders of the specified job chain are included in the response.
If "orderId" is specified then parameters such as folders, types, excludeJobs and regex are ignored.