Version 1.13.10

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A list of sessions.

Parameters in the POST body schema

Name Type Description Example Default
jobschedulerId required, string JobScheduler Master ID scheduler
session optional, Array A list of session ids for instances that should be in the result list
jobStream optional, string Instances for this job job stream will be in the result myJobStream
jobStreamId optional, Number Instances for this job job stream-id will be in the result myJobStream
jobStreamStarterId optional, Number Instances that have been started by this starter 4711
status optional, string possible values are running and completed. To consider instances with this state running
dateFrom optional, String (yyyy-mm-dd) To define a interval for the instances 2021-01-01
dateTo optional, String (yyyy-mm-dd) To define a interval for the instances 2021-01-01
timeZone optional, string
  • If this parameter is set then it beats the time offset in dateFrom and dateTo
  • See here the list for available time zones.
limit optional, integer Restricts the number of responsed records, -1=unlimited 5000 10000