Version 1.13.10

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Start job streams identified by the job stream starter name.

Parameters in the POST body schema

Name Type Description Example Default
jobschedulerId required, string JobScheduler Master ID scheduler
jobstreamStarters required, Object List of job stream starters that should be started [{"name":"Test", "params":[{"name":"param1","value":"new value of param1"},{"name":"param2","value":"new value of param2"}]}]
starterName optional (one of starterName and jobStreamStarterId is required), String The starter that have this name wil be started. myName
jobStreamStarterId optional (one of starterName and jobStreamStarterId is required), String The starter that have id this name wil be started. 4711
params optional, Object A list of name value pairs. [{"name":"param1","value":"new value of param1"},{"name":"param2","value":"new value of param2"}]
jobStream optional, string >To put the jobStream name into the audit log myJobStream
auditLog optional, object Object which contains comment, timeSpent and ticketLink. {
"comment":"It was not really necessary!",
comment optional, string Field in auditLog to comment this action, e.g. the reason.
timeSpent optional, string Field in auditLog to enter the time spent in minutes. 5
ticketLink optional, string Field in auditLog to enter a link to a corresponding ticket.