Version 2.6.5

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Lists schedules for a given controller

Parameters in the POST body schema

Name Type Description Example Default
controllerId required, string Controller ID myController
selector optional Specify the selector elements to select the schedules that should be considered. All selector elements will be combined with "or". The elements in the lists schedulePaths, folders, workflowPaths will be combined with "or" When no selector is defined the default selector "selector":"folders":{"folder":"/","recursive":true} will be used. The selector elements are
  • schedulePaths
  • folders
  • workflowPaths
folders optional; array[folder] Filters all schedules that are located in one of the given folders. Depending on the value for "recursive" also in one of the subfolders recursively. [{
"folder": "/sos",
"recursive": true
schedulePaths optional; array[string] Filters all schedules that are in the given list of schedules in schedulePaths. ["/path/mySchedule"]
workflowPaths optional; array[string] Filters all schedules that are assigned to one of the given workflows in workflowPaths. [/path/to/workflow]
controllerIds optional; array[string] When empty the orders will be generated for those Controller Ids that have a deployed workflow for the given schedules (from folder or from schedulePaths).
When not empty the orders will be generated for those Controller Ids that have a deployed workflow for the given schedules (from folder or from schedulePaths) and that are included in the list controllerIds.