
Used by
Element ReplaceWith
References Notes

This parameter is used to rename files. It requires use of the parameter ReplaceWhat. The rename operation is performed by specifying

  • what part of a filename should be replaced and
  • with which replacement a file should be renamed.

If a match has been found as specified by the ReplaceWhat parameter then the following replacements can be applied:

  • String replacement: any string
  • Masked replacement: aa;[filename:];bb
A masked replacement supports masks for substitution in the filename with format strings that are enclosed with [ and ]. The following format strings are supported:
  • [date: date format ]
    date format must be a valid Java data format string, e.g. yyyyMMddHHmmss, yyyy-MM-dd.HHmmss etc.
  • [filename:]
    will be substituted by the original file name including the file extension
  • [filename:lowercase]
    will be substituted by the original file name including the file extension with all characters converted to lower case.
  • [filename:uppercase]
    will be substituted by the original file name including the file extension with all characters converted to upper case

Use with capturing groups

  • For replacement "capturing groups" are used. Only the content of the capturing groups is replaced.
  • Multiple replacements are separated by a semicolon ";".


  • ReplaceWhat: (1)abc(12)def(.*)
  • ReplaceWith: A;BB;CCC
These setting result in the following rename operation:
  • Name of original file: 1abc12def123.txt
  • Name of renamed file: AabcBBdefCCC

Use without capturing groups

If no "capturing groups" are specified then the entire match is replaced.


  • ReplareWhat: Hello
  • ReplaceWith: 1234
These setting result in the following rename operation:
  • Name of original file: Hello_World.txt
  • Name of renamed file: 1234_World.txt

For further information see java.util.regex.Pattern

Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Complex Type RenameType