Version 2.6.4

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Deletes planned orders for a daily plan interval

Parameters in the POST body schema

Name Type Description Example Default
Following elements filter the orders that should be considered.
All filter elements will be combined with "and".
The elements in the lists schedulePaths, scheduleFolders, workflowPaths, workflowFolders and controllerIds will be combined with "or".
dailyPlanDateFrom optional, string The value has to have the format YYYY-MM-DD
The begin of the day range of the daily plan. Depends on the settings for daily plan timezone and daily plan period.
dailyPlanDateTo optional, string The value has to have the format YYYY-MM-DD
The end of the day range of the daily plan. Depends on the settings for daily plan timezone and daily plan period.
If only one day of the daily plan is desired than specify dailyPlanDateFrom == dailyPlanDateTo
schedulePaths optional, array[string] Filters all orders in the given daily plan range that have been generated with one of the given schedules in schedulePaths. ["/path/mySchedule"]
scheduleFolders optional, array[object] Filters all orders in the given daily plan range that have been generated with a schedule located in one of the given folders. Depending on the value for "recursive" in one of the subfolders recursively too. [{
"folder": "/sos",
"recursive": true
workflowPaths optional, array[string] Filters all orders in the given daily plan range that are assigned to one of the given workflows in workflowPaths. ["/path/to/workflow"]
workflowFolders optional, array[object] Filters all orders in the given daily plan range that have been generated with a schedule assigned to a workflow located in one of the given folders. Depending on the value for "recursive" in one of the subfolders recursively too. [{
"folder": "/sos",
"recursive": true
controllerIds optional, array[string] Filters orders that have been generated for the Controller IDs that are in the list controllerIds ["myControllerId"]
orderIds optional, array[string] Filters all orders in the given daily plan that have one of the order IDs in the given list of orderIds. ["#2020-09-15#P0000000046-myOrderName"]
late optional, boolean If true filters all orders that are late. Late means that the current time is after the planned time+2 minutes. false
submissionHistoryIds optional, array[integer] Filters all orders in the given daily plan range that have been generated by one of the given submissions. To retrieve submissionHistoryIds call /dailyplan/submissions. A submission can be manually executed or the automatically executed by the daily plan service. [4711]
auditLog optional, object Object that contains comment, timeSpent and ticketLink.
  "comment": "Operational requirement!",
  "timeSpent": 2
comment optional, string Field in auditLog to comment this action, e.g. the reason.
timeSpent optional, integer Field in auditLog to enter the time spent in minutes.
ticketLink optional, string Field in auditLog to enter a link to a corresponding ticket.