Version 2.5.2

Download RAML

Provides archive file (zip, tar.gz) to download unsigned JSON files

Parameters in the POST body schema

Name Type Description Example Default
exportFile required, object This objects describes the export file with filename and format.
"exportFile" : {
"filename" : "",
"format" : "ZIP"
filename required, string "filename" : ""
format optional, enum The desired format of the export archive file. Possible values are "ZIP" and "TAR_GZ" "format" : "ZIP" ZIP
forSigning required oneOf(forSigning, shallowCopy), object Object consists of a controllerId, an array of objectTypes, an array of folders and additional booleans for information on how to filter. "forSigning" : {
"controllerId" : "testsuite",
"folders" : [ "/JS7Demo", "/Examples.Unix" ],
"recursive" : true,
"withoutDrafts" : false,
"withoutDeployed" : false
controllerId required, string ControllerId of the controller already deployed configurations have been deployed to. "controllerId" : "testsuite"
objectTypes required, array An array defining a subset of Configuration Types the specified folders should bw filtered with. Only deployable Configuration Types are allowed. "objectTypes" : [ "WORKFLOW", "FILEORDERSOURCE", "JOBRESOURCE", "LOCK" ]
folders required, array An array of paths of folders containing the configurations to export. "folders" : [ "/JS7Demo", "/Examples.Unix" ]
recursive optional, boolean A switch to determine if the specified folders should be read recursively. "recursive" : true false
withoutDrafts optional, boolean Determines if draft configurations are excluded from export. "withoutDrafts" : false false
withoutDeployed optional, boolean Determines if already deployed configurations are excluded from export. "withoutDeployed" : false false
shallowCopy required oneOf(forSigning, shallowCopy), object Object consists of an array of objectTypes, an array of folders and additional booleans for information on how to filter.. "shallowCopy" : {
"folders" : [ "/JS7Demo", "/Examples.Unix" ],
"recursive" : true,
"onlyValidObjects" : false,
"withoutDrafts" : false,
"withoutDeployed" : false,
"withoutReleased" : false
objectTypes required, array An array defining a subset of Configuration Types the specified folders should bw filtered with. Releaseable and deployable Configuration Types are allowed. "objectTypes" : [ "WORKFLOW", "FILEORDERSOURCE", "JOBRESOURCE", "LOCK", "WORKINGDAYSCALENDAR", "SCHEDULE", "JOBTEMPLATE", "INCLUDESCRIPT" ]
folders required, array An array of paths of folders containing the configurations to export. "folders" : [ "/JS7Demo", "/Examples.Unix" ]
recursive optional, boolean A switch to determine if the specified folders should be read recursively. "recursive" : true false
onlyValidObjects optional, boolean Determines if invalid draft configurations are excluded from export. "onlyValidObjects" : false false
withoutDrafts optional, boolean Determines if draft configurations are excluded from export. "withoutDrafts" : false false
withoutDeployed optional, boolean Determines if already deployed configurations are excluded from export. "withoutDeployed" : false false
withoutReleased optional, boolean Determines if already released configurations are excluded from export. "withoutReleased" : false false
auditLog optional, object
comment optional, string for auditLog
timeSpent optional, string for auditLog
ticketLink optional, string for auditLog