Version 2.0.1

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Task history

Parameters in the POST body schema

Name Type Description Example Default
controllerId optional, string Controller ID myController
jobs optional, array[object] Filtered response by a collection of jobs specified by its workflow path and an optional job name.
If "job" is undefined then the answer contains all jobs of the specified workflow.
If this parameter is specified then the parameters folders, excludeJobs, jobName and workflowPath are ignored.
excludeJobs optional, array[object] Response contains all jobs except the jobs that are specified in this collection.
A job is specified by its workflow path and an optional job name.
If "job" is undefined then all jobs of the specified workflow are excluded in the response.
This parameter will be ignored if jobs parameter is set.
dateFrom optional, string The value has multiple formats
  • Filters items starting from a date.
  • an ISO 8601 date format with the time offset and milliseconds being optional, e.g.
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][Z (Z means +00)]
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][+01:00]
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][+0100]
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s][+01]
  • a format for a period relative to the current time, e.g. 6h, 12h, 1d, 1w that specifies the quantity followed by a qualifier:
    • s (seconds)
    • m (minutes)
    • h (hours)
    • d (days)
    • w (weeks)
    • M (months)
    • y (years)
  • a time offset is optional (e.g. 2d+02:00)
    • it can also be specified with the parameter timeZone
    • if timeZone is undefined then UTC is used
  • the value 0 indicates the current time
dateTo optional, string The value has multiple formats similiar to the dateFrom parameter
  • Filters items ending before a date.
timeZone optional, string
  • If this parameter is set then it beats the time offset in dateFrom and dateTo
  • See the list for available time zones.
jobName optional, string Limits result to a specified glob pattern of a Job name that supports '*' and '?' as wildcards where
  • * : match zero or more characters
  • ? : match any single character
workflowPath optional, string Limits result to a specified glob pattern of a Workflow path that supports '*' and '?' as wildcards where
  • * : match zero or more characters
  • ? : match any single character
folders optional, array[object] Limits the result to a collection of folders [{
"folder": "/sos",
"recursive": true
limit optional, integer Limits the number of resulting items, -1=unlimited 5000 10000
historyStates optional, array[string]
Limits result to specified states ["SUCCESSFUL"]
criticalities optional, array[string] Possible values are NORMAL and MINOR
Only records with these criticalities are responsed
taskIds optional; array[integer] The history ids of tasks
If "taskIds" is specified then all other optional parameters except controllerId are ignored.