Version 2.0.0

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Modifies Orders for the daily plan

Parameters in the POST body schema

Name Type Description Example Default
controllerId required, string Controller ID myController
startTime optional, string The value has to have the format Value is UTC timestamp in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ or empty
The start time for the orders in orderIds in UTC
cycle optional, string For cyclic orders the cycle will be defined with begin, end and repeat attribute. The values have to have the format hh:mm:ss
begin: 00:00:00 end: 20:00:00 repeat: 00:10:00
variables optional, object An object with key-value pairs for the order. The value can be a string, number or boolean.
The variables that already exist will be updated with the new values. The variables that do not exist will be added. To remove variables use the removeVariables array.
  "myString": "stringValue",
  "myNumber": 3.14,
  "myBoolean": true
removeVariables optional, object An object with key-value pairs for the order. The value can be a string, number or boolean.
The given Variables will be removed.
  "myString": "stringValue",
  "myNumber": 3.14,
  "myBoolean": true
orderIds optional; array[string] Filters all orders in the given daily plan that have one of the order IDs in the given list of orderIds. ["#2020-09-15#P0000000046-myOrderName"]