News Date and Time
May 31 2017 22:44
This maintenance release brings 70 fixes and 16 minor new features in JobScheduler and YADE:
- JOC-155: New Permissions Editor
- Permissions are available on a per folder basis to authorize users for specific folders
- A graphical editor is available to manage roles and permissions per JobScheduler Master and per folder
- JOC-134: Redesign of the run-time editor
- JS-1707: JobScheduler should work with MS JDBC 6.0 and SQL Server 2016
- JOC-154: Refresh of order history sometimes does not work
- JOC-121: JOC Cockpit should not hang when expanding all folders and switching to a different state
- JS-1712: Syntax error at or near "not" is raised if JocOrderStatistics is called
- This issue prevents the JOC Cockpit to show updated job-related objects
- JS-1713: Orders with a specific end node should always be terminated at this node even if the job of this node raises an error
See the Release Notes for a detailed list of the features and bug-fixes.
Please also take note of our Change Management information.